FRANÇAIS SERVING Beaumont, Leduc, Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Calmar, Devon, Camrose - MOBILE
Liz Roy Level 2
Mortgage Agent
C 780-266-8090   P

What is a Mortgage Broker and how can they help me?

Source: Mortgage Architects

At Mortgage Architects, we are proud to call ourselves “mortgage brokers.” Many of you may have a solid understanding of what that means, and many may not. If you are in the market for a home or if your mortgage is up for renewal, truly understanding what a mortgage broker does and seeking the service and expertise of one can be of an immense value to you.

So what is it exactly that you do as a broker?

As a homebuyer, you may encounter a lot of people with similar titles (and with snazzy business cards and websites) so it easy to get confused on who does what. Well for starters, we are not real estate agents. Although many of us have close business relationships with many, the kind of work we do differs considerably.

Real estate agents and realtors help you with the home search and negotiating the price with the seller. We as mortgage brokers take it from there and make the challenging experience of obtaining a mortgage a much easier process.

We make the whole thing easier and less scary

Well no one said asking a bank to loan you hundreds of thousands of dollars is supposed to be easy; actually it can be quite overwhelming. For example, there are a variety of mortgage options, rates and lending institutions. Do you want to pay down your mortgage faster or are you more concerned on getting the lowest rate possible? Do you know about mortgage insurance and payout penalties? These questions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to obtaining a mortgage. As mortgage brokers, we have the industry experience, in-depth knowledge and qualifications to provide you with the need-to-know info about obtaining a mortgage.

We genuinely care about our clients and their unique needs

We take the time to get to know what your needs are, what your financial comfort zone is and finally, work to get you the mortgage that fits you the best. In addition, we are committed to continue to provide you with sound mortgage advice throughout your journey as a homeowner. When it comes to mortgage renewal time or looking at refinancing your mortgage for example, we can provide you honest advice that puts your needs and concerns first and foremost.

Simply, we are professionals and industry experts

As MA mortgage brokers, professionalism, knowledge, integrity and reputation are keys to our business and our success in the industry. Not only have we built long-lasting and trusted relationships with lending institutions, we have strong negotiation skills, and the professional tools to ensure you receive the best service possible.

Hope this post provides you with better understanding what we as mortgage brokers actually do (and it is quite a lot but we love it!). If you are in the market to buy a home, or if your current mortgage is up for renewal or finally, if you are looking to refinance your existing one, contact us today! We would be happy to help you on your path as a homeowner – it is what we love to do.


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Updated: 01/22/21
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